How do I edit a PythonWin path to import custom built modules???

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Fri Dec 15 05:03:47 EST 2006

At Friday 15/12/2006 06:46, mohan wrote:

>To revert back to my question, I wanted to add a new path to my
>PythonWin IDE to access modules which are in folders other than normal
>python paths.  Here, I need to put my modules in different folders
>since it is a request of the user. I tried to create a new PYTHONPATH
>in the environmental variables section, which did not work .

You can do that directly inside PythonWin, using the Tools menu.

>So, is there any way where I can temporarily append the new path/s,
>where the PythonWin interpreter would look during run time and discard
>after the interpreter is closed.

You could modify sys.path at runtime, appending directories if 
needed. But the package solution below is much better.

>For example, my main program "" will be put in the folder
>D:\\dSPACE\ATS\ and my modules will be put in other folders inside the
>folder ATS, D:\\dSPACE\ATS\ Level Regulation, D:\\dSPACE\ATS\ Curve
>Detection and so on.
>So, I would like to tell the interpreter to look in to these folders to
>import the modules.

First, remove all spaces from directory names. Then make them normal 
packages (an empty may be enough) so you can write, in

from LevelRegulation import whatever
from CurveDetection.MyModuleName import MyClass


Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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