len() and PEP 3000

Thomas Guettler guettli.usenet at thomas-guettler.de
Wed Dec 6 07:16:52 EST 2006


The function len() is not mentioned in the Python 3000 PEPs.

I suggest that at least lists, tupples, sets, dictionaries and strings
get a len() method. I think the len function can stay, removing it
would break to much code. But adding the method, would bu usefull.

Yes, I know, that I can call .__len__() but that is ugly.

I have read the FAQ to the len function:

Thomas Güttler, http://www.thomas-guettler.de/ http://www.tbz-pariv.de/
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de
Spam Catcher: niemand.leermann at thomas-guettler.de

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