module with a threading-like api that uses processes?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Wed Dec 27 00:27:49 EST 2006

At Wednesday 27/12/2006 01:58, skip at wrote:

>I could have sworn someone was working on a module recently with a
>threading-like API that used subprocesses under the covers, but 10 minutes
>or so of googling didn't yield anything.  Pointers appreciated.

Perhaps this project?
I just wrote rthread library that makes distributed computing look
like writing multi-threaded programs.
The only thing required from remote hosts is ssh server and executable
rthread_server (included in the package) in PATH. (The library
executes "ssh -C -c blowfish remotehost 'rthread_server'", and uses
stdin and stdout of that process as a communication channel.) There is
no need for interface definitions, no need to open communication
ports, no need to copy remotely run function code to remote hosts.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 


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