merits of Lisp vs Python

Ken Tilton kentilton at
Sat Dec 9 04:26:02 EST 2006

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> It is a good thing that not every
> hare-brained idea that some random programmer comes up with can be
> implemented as part of the core language. 

Well, that's the FUD/strawman, but nothing more. Just a hobgoblin to 
keep the Pythonistas from straying. But you have an excuse: Lispniks 
always /talk/ about macros giving us the ability to create a DSL. But no 
one does. :) Macros mostly hide implementation -- always a good thing -- 
where functions cannot.

This, btw, is why Norvig brushing off macros with the ability to use 
regex to parse a DSL was so disappointing.

I guess your other excuse is that your BDFL says the same thing.

All in all, this is getting pretty funny. I am starting to picture you 
all (including GvR) running around with your hands over your ears going 
woo-woo so you cannot hear what we are saying.




"Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty-five
years, Doctor, and I'm happy to state I finally
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