client/server design and advice

Irmen de Jong irmen.NOSPAM at
Sat Dec 2 06:00:00 EST 2006

John Henry wrote:
> On the subject of passing things around, is there a no brainer way of
> sending files back and forth over Pyro?
> I am currently using a shared drive to do that.  May be I missed that
> feature?

Sending files around is just a special case of passing large amounts
of data to other systems. There is no built in support for file transfer
in Pyro.
It's rather easy to make a file transfer tool though, there is an 
example in the Pyro distribution that shows how this *may* be done.

But choose the right tool for the job, things like rsync or even ftp
may be preferable for just file transfer!

If you use a shared drive, you could use Pyro to 'tell' the receiving
side that the file is there with this-and-this name, to trigger a
download. When the receiver is done copying the file, it can signal
back and the sender can delete the file. But that's just an idea.


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