what is wrong with my code?

rzed rzantow at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 21:38:26 EST 2006

Pyenos <pyenos at pyenos.org> wrote in 
news:87mz5i56j7.fsf at pyenos.pyenos.org:

> thanks for your point. so because i have said class blah: i must
> explicitly say self for every instantiation of object?

No, for every method within the class.


class Blah(object):
    	def method1(self,arg1):
    	    	self.x = arg1

b = Blah()    	# b is an instance of class Blah

b.method1(32)    	# when you invoke it, just pass arg1

print b.x    	# prints 32


The use of 'self' is just a convention, but a *very* common one, 
and one you should follow if you expect other Python programmers 
to read your code. This is legal, and has the same effect as the 
above class:

class Blah2(object):
    	def method1(spugsl,arg1):
    	    	spugsl.x = arg1

Spugsl (or self) is just the way to refer to the instance within 
the code.

In your code, each method wound up with a different name, and none 
of the names would have been associated with what you would have 
expected. So for example, in 

def removeEntry(pid_to_remove, task_to_remove):

... your equivalent to 'self' would be pid_to_remove, and the pid 
you passed in would have been associated with task_to_remove.


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