One module per class, bad idea?

Carl J. Van Arsdall cvanarsdall at
Tue Dec 12 14:24:15 EST 2006

Isaac Rodriguez wrote:
>> Yes, it would be a bad idea. =)
> Saying it is a bad idea and not explaining why will not help anyone. I
> would like you to elaborate on why it is a bad idea to have one file
> per class.
A module per class makes a lot of sense in some cases, or rather, make 
your module your class (look at the singleton pattern).  I actually like 
to structure all of my code like this, it helps me keep things organized 
and separated.  I guess i'm not sure why it would ever be a really bad 
idea, maybe if you had really small classes?



Carl J. Van Arsdall
cvanarsdall at
Build and Release
MontaVista Software

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