Multithreaded python script calls the COMMAND LINE

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Thu Dec 7 22:09:24 EST 2006

At Thursday 7/12/2006 19:13, johnny wrote:

> > Anyway, if you have many conversion processes running, you should pass
> > them unique file names to avoid conflicts.
> > Where does the '1' name come from? If it's you, don't use a fixed name
> > - the tempfile module may be useful.
>I am giving unique name to the converted file with .pdf.  I think
>something up with the thread.  I am new to python, I am not sure what's

Unless the ps2pdf program uses explicitely '1' as a filename, I don't 
see where it may come from. Your python code doesn't generate it - 
unless you have a file.

[Quoting from a previous message]
>For some
>reason I am getting "File '1' is alread exists, Do you want to
>overwrite [y/n]?" I have to manually enter 'y' or 'n' for the python
>script to complete.

Is that '1' just an example, or you always get that?

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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