subversion revision number string within an application packaged with distutils?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Thu Dec 7 22:36:39 EST 2006

At Thursday 7/12/2006 22:49, Jim Tittsler wrote:

>Is there a standard recipe for getting the subversion revision number
>into my Python-based application each time I package it up with
>distutils?  (Not just the package name, but also a string that I will
>display in my app's "About" dialog.)

Under CVS, you use keywords like $Id$, $Author$, $Revision$ etc 
inside your code, they get expanded like this:

__version__ = '$Revision: 1.8 $'[11:-2]

Subversion uses a similar mechanism but I'm not sure of the spelling.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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