Fall of Roman Empire

Thomas Ploch Thomas.Ploch at gmx.net
Wed Dec 20 11:27:52 EST 2006

> Ben Finney schrieb:
>> "John Machin" <sjmachin at lexicon.net> writes:
>>> Ben Finney wrote:
>>>>  \      "...one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was |
>>>>   `\        that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful |
>>>> _o__)               termination of their C programs."  -- Robert Firth |
>>> An amusing .sig, but it doesn't address the root cause: As they had no
>>> way of testing for the end of a string, in many cases successful
>>> termination of their C programs would have been unlikely.
>> Yet historically proven: the 'imperium' process they were running
>> terminated many centuries ago.
>> Or did it fork and exec a different process?

I rather stay with the metaphysics:

#include "metaphysics.h"

static metaPower God;

universe *makeUniverse(metaPower God)
    if (!God) {
        printf("Oops, no God available at the moment.Try again later!");
        return NULL;

    universe *everything;

    if (!(everything = malloc(sizeof(universe)))) {
        God.mood = REALLY_BORED;
        printf("God has no time to create a universe.");
        return NULL;
    } else {
        return universe;


Sorry, somehow had to do this. Please slap me (i like it, don't worry)
if it's totally stupid

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