Is there a way to push data into Microsoft Oulook from Python ?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Sat Dec 16 22:20:08 EST 2006

On 16 dic, 17:39, "The Night Blogger" <thenightblog... at>
> Is there a way to pull & push data (Tasks, Notes, Calendar Items ...) into
> Microsoft Oulook from Python ?

You will need the pywin32 package.
Then you get the Outlook Application object using:

import win32com.client
Outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")

Now, you have to know the methods and properties of that object. Look
for the Outlook object model in MSDN. Usually it's easier with google:

Googling with "outlook application python" will give you more help.

Gabriel Genellina

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