Async callback in python

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py at
Tue Dec 5 00:53:03 EST 2006

At Tuesday 5/12/2006 01:18, Linan wrote:

>for i in range(0,10):
>         print '%d in main process' % i
>                 time.sleep(1)
>Suppose it's asynchronous, couple of '%d in main process' lines should
>be mixed in the output of T.handle_read(), right?

No. As you noticed, asyncore.loop (without arguments) won't return 
until all channels are closed.

>But I found that
>actually main process was blocked at asyncore.loop(), until the the
>socket was closed.


>My questions:
>1, Did I do anything wrong?
>2, Is it real asynchronous?
>3, If not, where to get the real one(s)?

Perhaps you didn't understand the nature of asyncore processing. The 
idea is not to have many threads, each one blocking on its own 
(synchronous) socket processing. Instead, using a single thread which 
never blocks, and dispatches events to many instances, each one 
processing its own data.
If you want to do other things mixed with network events, put those 
things inside the loop, that is, instead of asyncore.loop() do something like:

while asyncore.socket_map:
     asyncore.loop(1, count=1)
     // do other things

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL 

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