after an image is moved to a new location, how to delete the image at the old location?

zxo102 zxo102 at
Tue Aug 1 12:58:47 EDT 2006

Hi everyone,
     As shown in the code below (modified based on the in
wxpython demo), an image is created at location 1:  (50,10) with
rotated angle 1.12.  Now, suppose I got another set of new data, I want
to move the image to location 2:  (166,400) with rotated angle 1.5.
case 1:
     if I use
     "wx.StaticBitmap(panel, -1, bmp2, (166, 400), (bmp2.GetWidth(),
     everything is fine but I don't know how to delete the image at
location 1.
case 2:
     If I use
     "kk.SetBitmap(bmp2)" (see the code below),
     the rotated image (angle 1.5) is put to location 1: (50,10)
instead of location 2: (166,400). Or I don't know how to move the image
to the new location (166,400).

anybody knows how to solve the above problem?  Thanks  a lot.


def runTest(frame, nb, log):
    bmp = wx.Image(opj('bitmaps/image.bmp'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_BMP)

    # image.bmp is originally located in (50,10) with rotated angle
    x = 50
    y = 10
    angle = 1.12
    bmp1 = bmp.Rotate(angle, (x,y), True,None)
    bmp1 = bmp1.ConvertToBitmap()
    panel = wx.Panel(nb, -1)

    kk = wx.StaticBitmap(panel, -1, bmp1, (x, y), (bmp1.GetWidth(),

   # Now image.bmp is  relocated at (166,400) with rotated angle 1.5

    x= 166
    y = 400
    angle = 1.5
    bmp2 = bmp.Rotate(angle, (x,y), True,None)
    bmp2 = bmp2.ConvertToBitmap()
    wx.StaticBitmap(panel, -1, bmp2, (x,y), (bmp2.GetWidth(),


    return panel

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