Instantiate all objects in a module?

John Machin sjmachin at
Tue Aug 15 22:26:10 EDT 2006

Donald Westfield wrote:
> I have my own module, called, which is to be imported for an
> app.
> The number of classes in the module will vary, so I need a subroutine that
> will instantiate all of them as objects, and assign a variable to each,
> regardless of what names the classes are.

Perhaps if you could explain what you mean by "instantiate all of them
as objects" .... suppose there are two classes, named Foo and Bar, in
the module; do you want to class objects (Foo and Bar), or do you want
one instance of each class (Foo() and Bar())?

Then what do you mean "assign a variable to each"? Do you mean "bind a
name to each"?

Perhaps it would help if you explained what this magic function should
return, or what effect it should have on the environment, and gave
examples of what you'd write after invoking the magic, like

obj1 = class1()
obj2 = class2()
obj3 = ....

The big problem is that you don't know until you import the module how
many classes there are in it ....

Maybe you need something like this:

class_list = magic_class_gadget(mystuff)
obj_list = [cls() for cls in class_list]
# Note: assumption is that each class's __init__ method has the same
for obj in obj_list:
del obj_list
del class_list
del mystuff

In that case you can get the class_list by doing this:
    import types
    class_list = [v for v in mystuff.__dict__.values() if isinstance(v,

Alternatively, forget about the implementation details for the moment
-- come up a level and tell us what you are trying to achieve, what are
the similarites/differences between the classes, why/how does the
number vary, ...

> Then I need to be able to delete these objects from memory completely at
> times.

(a) Why? (b) The del statement is your friend.

> Can someone recommend a subroutine for this?

It is highly unlikely that there is an existing function to do this.


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