Consistency in Python

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Fri Aug 25 18:35:20 EDT 2006

Brendon Towle wrote:

>> b)
>>    (this also explains how to handle your specific use case)
> Well, I posted working code, so I thought it should have been obvious 
> that I knew how to handle my use case, and was (am) looking for a 
> language-design level answer as opposed to a working-code level answer. 
> Besides, the article above (although useful *and* freshly modified) 
> doesn't explain how to handle the use case I posted with append(), or 
> the ones I didn't post with extend(), insert(), remove(), dict.update(), 
> and a bunch of others I can't think of off the top of my head.

by the way, why are you asking for inconsistency in a thread about 
consistency ?


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