Can, and if yes how could this be done elegant?

Wolfgang Draxinger wdraxinger at
Tue Aug 22 16:45:33 EDT 2006

I'm currently developing vegetation creation scripts for the
Blender 3D modelling software. The first attempts work nice, but
they're far to inflexible IMHO.

First let me introduce how the system works: The user supplies a
series of building elements of the plants to be generated (e.g.
stem, stipe, leaf, branches, blossom) and associated those with
template 3D models. For each of those elements there is a list,
which elements can be attached with the current element, and a
probability function, that takes the various parameters for the
element to be constructed (distance to the last branch, distance
to the root, thickness of the last stipe, how much light is
there). Then a pseudo random generator chooses one of the given
elements with the given probability, the element is aligned to
various physical conditions (gravity, light direction). It is
important, that the tree is constructed with a equal distance to
the root, i.e. not whole branches and subbranches at a time, but
first branching level 0, then level 1 and so on. The reason is,
that with every construction level some of the environment
condictions (weight of the material, amount of light) change, so
it's reasonable, that the grow process of the virtual plant
resembles the real one, even if it's a simplified modell.

Now one cool thing would be, if one could use python to describe
the plant model itself, too.

Since the Elements are not to be instanciated, but a collection
of parameters and functions that are fed with the environment

class Branch(BasicPlantElement):
        def p():
                return light_scale * light()**light_exponent *
        def geom():
                return (light_track * light_vector() - weight() * gravity(),

But obviously this is not valid python (it lacks the self
argument). One might now think of a dictionary

Branch = { "p"=lambda:..., "geom"=lambda:..., }

If you look closely, you also see, that the functions are not
prameterized. Instead, they use some global scope functions.
Here the idea is, that the environment parameters are put on a
stack and each recursion copies the topmost element on the stack
and changes happening there are carried on the stack. But this
is of course very memory consuming. But the real problem is, to
bring those values somehow into the scope of the PED (Plant
Element Descriptor)

Now the challenge:
- I'd like to write the Plant Element Descriptors in a
class/member like notation, but don't instanciate it - not
directly at least. Eventually there will be factory functions,
that take a PED and create a reparameterized version of it.
- Calling the functions in the PED somehow needs to bring the
branching stack into the scope. I have no idea how to do that.

Of course all this might not be possible directly, but that would
then mean, that I can't use python to describe plants, but have
to invent a custom language for that then. (Something like POV
Scene Description Language or similair).

Wolfgang Draxinger
E-Mail address works, Jabber: hexarith at, ICQ: 134682867
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