paramter passing question

diffuser78 at diffuser78 at
Fri Aug 4 16:46:22 EDT 2006

I wrote a small app in wxPython using wxGlade as designer tool. wxGlade
brings and writes a lot of code by itself and thats where my confusion
started. Its about parameter passing. Here is my little confusion.

***************CODE BEGINS************************************
class MyFrame1(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
    def OnEdit(self, event):
         sim_name = 'some_string'
         win = MyFrame2(self, -1, "")

class MyFrame2(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
    def onLaunch(self, event):
         ## This function needs to use the parameter sim_name which is
in class MyFrame1-->OnEdit
***************CODE ENDS************************************

I want to pass sim_name parameter to MyFrame2 in def OnEdit function
but I don't know how to do it. I tried couple of things but always got
some error. I have done some parameter passing in normal Python code
but *args and **kwds is a little confusing.

Could you please tell me how to send parameter "sim_name" from
MyFrame1(in OnEdit function) and how to recieve it in MyFrame2 so that
I can use that parameter in MyFrame2 namespace.

Every help is appreciated.


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