CGI script running not completely in HTML

Tim Chase python.list at
Thu Aug 17 17:04:36 EDT 2006

> In which case you probably need to tweak the server timeout
> setting. Nothing you can do from Python (except possibly make
> your CGI run faster).

Or have Python send a better SQL statement that would run 
faster...a little SQL mojo goes a long way.

The OP failed (as far as my thread-dabbling has noticed) to 
specify what sort of SQL is being run.  If full table results are 
being returned just to be discarded, or there are more efficient 
ways of doing things in the SQL, one would be better off doing it 
on the server and letting it return a single finely-honed 
result-set.  With some insight into the SQL statement(s), one 
might be able to find glaring bottlenecks.


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