Memory usage of an 'empty' python interpreter

Ganesan Rajagopal rganesan at
Wed Aug 16 04:12:50 EDT 2006

>>>>> neokosmos  <neokosmos at> writes:

> I was wondering what the approximate amount of memory needed to load a
> Python interpreter (only, no objects, no scripts, no nothing else) in a
> Linux 2.6 environment.  According to ps, it appears to be 3312 bytes,
> which seems absurdly low to me.  However, when I check the size of my
> Python executable, it looks like it is only about 5600 bytes in size,
> so maybe this is reasonable?

It is, when you consider that ps reports in kilobytes :-). It's
meaningless just to compare the size of the python binary. In your case it's
obvious that the python binary is linking to a shared python library.


Ganesan Rajagopal

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