What do you want in a new web framework?

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Mon Aug 21 16:57:37 EDT 2006

UrsusMaximus at gmail.com wrote:
> hardemr wrote:
>> I've just read all of the answers. Most of yours said that there are
>> many web frameworks ,so it is nonsense to make a new web framework in
>> python.
> Hardemr, I like Ajacksu's answer, with a twist. Please concnentrate on
> writing a Visual Studio-like gui designer, and make it possible to add
> your Visual Studio like gui designer to Django (and TurboGears, et al).

it only make sense if you are disabled (visual or upper limb).  most if 
not all web frameworks are "no cripples need apply".

why?  mixed caps, mixed modes (i.e. html+python), crappy editors to 
start.  these few items have such a *huge* impact that it can mean the 
difference between being able to do the job or not.  if you want to make 
a diff, make an IDE that works for the blind and the mobility impaired. 
  the work has been started but it needs labor (see voicecoder project). 
  second place to make a difference is to build a bridge between windows 
and gnome at-spi so one can speak (NaturallySpeaking on windows) then 
have the effect show up on linux.

but in the context of web frameworks, my hp friendly framework shows how 
easy it is to make apps HP friendly.   the framework is rtg except for 
packaging (and some docs).  (I'm having problems trying to understand 
and speak the setup file at the same time.)

If you want specific examples handicap barriers, I'll tell you after my 
new mic arrives and my hands stop hurting so much.  my cost: this 
message means 30-40 min timeout for the nerves to cool off.

--- eric

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