looking for a simple way to load a program from another python program..

Eric_Dexter at msn.com Eric_Dexter at msn.com
Sun Aug 13 15:51:00 EDT 2006

    I was looking for a simple way to load a simple python program from
another python program.

I tried


The file name is cabel.py a csound instrument editor..

The error I am getting is

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\boa-constructor\test of
snake\Frame1.py", line 212, in OnCabelItems0Menu
NameError: global name 'cabel' is not defined
Localisation of messages is disabled, using default language.
time resolution is 279.365 ns

This is with cabel in the current directory.  I have managed to use
import to run it but it will only do it once.  I may be able to use the
exec commands but I don't want to exit the program I am using only to
run other programs and then exit.  I would also perfer that cabel is in
it's own directory.

thanks in advance for any help


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