keep a list of read and unread items

Stargaming stargaming at
Sun Aug 13 05:06:24 EDT 2006

Ant schrieb:
> a wrote:
>>i m building an rss reader and i want you suggestions for datastructure
>>for keeping read and unread list for each use
>>i m assuming it will be very sparse
> A dictionary for each site seems to be the obvious choice, mapping the
> article ID to True or False.

You could also write a class, let's say RSSEntry, with attributes like 
"read", "title", "author", "content", "date" and everything you need.
Another class-way would be some class like RSSFeed, being a container 
holding entries like RSSFeed[0] RSSFeed[1] etc., each again with 
attributes like RSSFeed[0].author.
Those class instances can be pickle'd easily, so you don't have to 
bother about any database or stuff.

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