wxPython default radiobox choice

Laszlo Nagy gandalf at designaproduct.biz
Thu Aug 24 17:17:26 EDT 2006

crystalattice írta:
> In my GUI app, I have a radio box allowing the user to pick his/her
> gender.  When I click a button, I'd like the radio box to tell the
> program which choice is marked.  I can get it to work when I manually
> pick a choice but I get an error when the choice is left at the default
> value, which is "Male".
> I have the radio box tied to an event to "see" when a choice is made,
> but how does it work if the person just leaves the default value?  I've
> looked at the wxPython demo but the radio box actions only work for
> changing values.
I'm not sure if I understood your problem. You can call the 
wxRadioBox.GetSelection method anytime to get the current value.
If you need that value very often (e.g. thousand times per sec) then you 
can "shadow" the default value in an instance variable.

Example (untested):

class MyClass(wx.Frame):
     """In this frame, you can use the curchoice variable after 
    def __init__(self):
       # ... create your frame here...
       r =self.radio = wx.RadioBox(self,-1,choiches=['One','Two','Three'])
       # Set default value
       r.SetSelection(0) # This does not cause a 
wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED event to get emitted.
       self.curchoice = 0
       # Bind the event

    def OnRadioChanged(self,event):
       self.curchoice = self.radio.GetSelection()
       # Do whatever you want here...

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