is it possible to dividing up a class in multiple files?

Patrick Maupin pmaupin at
Tue Aug 8 00:48:58 EDT 2006

Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Martin Höfling wrote:
> > is it possible to put the methods of a class in different files? I just
> > want to order them and try to keep the files small.
> No, its not possible. What you can do is to create several classes and one
> that inherits from all of them.
> Better yet is to not write huge classes and getting rid of strange
> conventions or views that make the problem appear as such. To explain that:
> I've never felt the need to spread a class over several files - au
> contraire, I despise Java for forcing me to only have one top level class
> per file.

While refactoring to avoid huge classes is usually excellent advice, it
actually is possible (and sometimes even useful) to merge classes
without using inheritance.

See, for example,


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