Help don't know what problem is Newbie

len lsumnler at
Wed Aug 23 16:11:50 EDT 2006

Have the following code:

import os
import csv
import re
import mx.ODBC
import mx.ODBC.Windows

currdir = os.getcwd()
db = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect('dsn=UICPS Test')
c = db.cursor()
sid = 315

matchstr = re.compile(r'\(*\)*-*,*')
reader = csv.reader(open(currdir + r'\\IBI Brokers List 8-21-06.csv'))

for rec in reader:
    if rec[0] != '' or rec[1] != '':
        if rec[0] == 'Name:':
            orec = ''
            orec = orec + rec[12] + ',' + rec[2]
        elif rec[1] == 'Address1':
            orec = orec + ',' + rec[4]
        elif rec[1] == 'Address2':
            orec = orec + ',' + rec[4]
        elif rec[1] == 'City, State, ZIP':
            csz = matchstr.sub('', rec[4]).split()
            if len(csz) == 0:
                c = ''
                s = ''
                z = ''
            elif len(csz) == 3:
                c = csz[0]
                s = csz[1]
                z = csz[2]
            elif len(csz) == 4:
                c = csz[0] + ' ' + csz[1]
                s = csz[2]
                z = csz[3]
            orec = orec + ',' + c + ',' + s + ',' + z + ',' +
matchstr.sub('', rec[13])
        elif rec[1] == 'Tax ID':
            orec = orec + ',' + rec[4].replace('-', '') + ',' +
matchstr.sub('', rec[12])
            sid += 1
            orec = str(sid) + ',' + orec
            print orec
            c.execute("insert into Producer \
            (Producer_Sid, Producerno, Company, Street, Suitepo, City,
State, Zip, \
            Phone, Taxid, Fax) \
            values (" + orec + ")")

Below is a listing of the orec which I printed along with the python

316,001,#001 Insurance Brokers of Indiana,400 Camby Court,P O Box
190,Greenwood,IN,46142,3178882593 ,351539405,3178857011

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\UICPS\", line 44, in -toplevel-
    c.execute("insert into Producer \
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'execute'

Len Sumnler

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