outputting a command to the terminal?

Diez B. Roggisch deets at nospam.web.de
Sun Aug 13 17:47:35 EDT 2006

John Salerno schrieb:
> Here's my new project: I want to write a little script that I can type 
> at the terminal like this:
> $ scriptname package1 [package2, ...]
> where scriptname is my module name and any subsequent arguments are the 
> names of Linux packages to install. Running the script as above will 
> create this line:
> sudo aptitude install package1 package2 ...
> It will run that line at the terminal so the package(s) will be installed.
> Now, the extra functionality I want to add (otherwise I would just 
> install them normally!) is to save the package names to a text file so I 
> can now the names of programs I've manually installed, if I ever want to 
> check the list or remove packages.
> So creating the proper bash command (sudo aptitude install ...) is easy, 
> and writing the names to a file is easy. But I have two questions:
> 1. First of all, does Linux keep track of the packages you manually 
> install? If so, then I won't have to do this at all.
> 2. Assuming I write this, how do output the bash command to the 
> terminal? Is there a particular module that Python uses to interact with 
> the terminal window that I can use to send the install command to the 
> terminal?

You don't put a command to the terminal. The shell executes commands. 
But it is mainly just a program itself - it can spawn subprocesses and 
make these execute the actual commands. so - the module you need is most 
probably subprocess.


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