tkinter btn visual state with tkMessageBox

Hendrik van Rooyen mail at
Sat Aug 19 11:49:06 EDT 2006

 <jmdeschamps at> wrote:

To: <python-list at>

| why is the button sunken when called through a bind method, and not
| with the command attribute?
| Thank you!
| ## Cut'nPaste example
| from Tkinter import *
| import tkMessageBox
| class Vue(object):
|     def __init__(self):
|         self.root=Tk()
|         self.root.title("test button visual state")
|         self.b1=Button(self.root,text="tkMessageBox.showinfo with bind
| :-(") #,command=self.showMsg)
|         self.b1.bind("<Button>",self.showMsg)


change this to :


Problem is that a button "sinks in" when you press it and "springs back" when
you release it...

and the "Button" leaves it sunken.... - because when you release, the control is
no longer there

- Hendrik

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