How to catch these kind of bugs in Python?

Ravi Teja webraviteja at
Sat Aug 19 18:07:54 EDT 2006

asincero wrote:
> Is there anyway to catch the following type of bug in Python code:
> message = 'This is a message'
> # some code
> # some more code
> if some_obscure_condition:
>    nessage = 'Some obscure condition occured.'
> # yet more code
> # still more code
> print message
> In the above example, message should be set to 'Some obscure condition
> occured.' if some_obscure_condition is True.  But due to a lack of
> sleep, and possibly even being drunk, the programmer has mistyped
> message.  These types of bugs would easily be caught in languages that
> have a specific keyword or syntax for declaring variables before use.
> I'm still fairly new to using Python on a more than casual basis, so I
> don't know if Python has anyway to help me out here.

The keyword is "obscure condition". The solution is to use a coverage
tool and create unit tests that give you 100% code coverage.

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