urllib2, proxies and https

Astan Chee stanc at al.com.au
Fri Aug 18 17:53:28 EDT 2006

Hi again,
According to
or more specifically, the example of its working code:
I can use urllib2 via proxy to access a https site(specifically hooking 
it up to libgmail).
The problem is that the proxy that is accessible to me is http/port8080 
only. Is it possible to use urllib2 with this proxy to access a https 
site? (im guessing no, but im sure there are ways around it).
I've tried modifying the code to point to a https site 
(https://mail.google.com/mail/) without changing the http proxy and it 
produces a HTTP timeout error.
Despite this, if I manually use a web browser to access these sites it 
prompts me with the proxy login and lets me through. So im also puzzled 
here why my browser lets this happen but urllib2 doesnt.
Thanks again for all your help.

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