do people really complain about significant whitespace?

Michiel Sikma michiel at
Tue Aug 8 04:40:37 EDT 2006

Op 8-aug-2006, om 1:49 heeft Ben Finney het volgende geschreven:

> As others have pointed out, these people really do exist, and they
> each believe their preconception -- that significant whitespace is
> intrinsically wrong -- is valid, and automatically makes Python a
> lesser language.

Well, I most certainly disagree with that, of course, but you gotta  
admit that there's something really charming about running an auto- 
formatting script on a large piece of C code, turning it from an  
unreadable mess into a beautifully indented and organized document. I  
actually sometimes intentionally programmed ugly code so that I could  
do that. I kind of miss it. :)


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