Python & chess

Laszlo Nagy gandalf at
Thu Aug 24 16:26:01 EDT 2006

tobiah írta:
> Paolo Pantaleo wrote:
>> Well Python is not a good language for writing a chess engine 
> I'm curious; how does python fall short here, and what are the
> features that make some other language more suitable for the
> task?
Hmmm. I think that if you need to write a very clever chess game, then 
you need to use very fast routines, written in C or even assembly. I 
have heard that the best chess programs use a database. That database 
contains hundreds of thousands of games played previously by famous 
chess players. Usually they play the first few steps by using this 
database (and not using any AI).

Do you plan to beat "Chessmaster"? :-)  If you only want to try your AI 
abilities, then Python is ideal for the task. At least this is my opinion.


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