Extending/Embedding Confusion

jeremito jeremit0 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 4 14:51:14 EDT 2006

I am trying to learn how to extend and/or embed Python.  I have looked
at the document "Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter" and
also "Python/C API Reference Manual.  In the examples shown in
"Extending..." there are some things I ma not familiar with so I turn
to the index in the Reference Manual, but they are not listed.  For
example, PyEval_CallObject and PyDict_GetAttrString.  My question is
this: Is the documentation out of date or is the index not complete?
Where can I get information about these things?

Secondly, I am really struggling with understanding how to Extend/Embed
Python.  The examples given in the documentation are not as helpful as
I would hope.  Does anyone know of additional examples on the web that
will shed some light on this issue?  I have tried Google, but haven't
yet been successful in finding additional examples that help.

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