Another SimpleXMLRPCServer question.

Jose Carlos Balderas Alberico josecarlos.balderas at
Mon Apr 17 03:46:48 EDT 2006

Let's hope this is my last question on the matter. I'm implementing a
SimpleXMLRPCServer, and last week I had a problem John helped me solve. The
thing is that my server is to be called from a remote machine, so when
declaring the instance, the line ("localhost", 8000) wouldn't work because
it would only listen on

Next thing I tried was the line ('', 8000) (two simple quotes). That way it
worked just fine, because now the server listens on all interfaces.

My question now is: is this the way SimpleXMLRPCServers are implemented? All
the examples I've found use the simple quotes, without providing any other
aditional examples. I want to know if there are any security risks that
raise from the fact that it listens on all interfaces. I haven't been able
to find any information on this. If you need more info regarding my
question, please ask.

Thank you very much in advance.
Jose Carlos.
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