need a thread to keep a socket connection alive?

nephish at nephish at
Sat Apr 22 11:10:38 EDT 2006

hey there,

i have a script that waits for message packets from a data server over
a socket.
it goes a little like this:

while 1:
        databack = sockobj.recv(158)
        if databack:

                print 'caught a message %s bytes ' % len(databack)
                if len(databack) > 120:
                        message = databack[3:-3] #strip stx and enx
                        print '\n\n%s' % message
print 'end data ack'

it works fine for a while, but the server requires that i send a
heartbeat ping every 600 seconds or it will terminate the connection.

so i also need something like
while 1:
     ping_acknowlage = sockobj.recv(48)

should i do this with threads? i dont want to interrupt the listening
cycle to send a ping.

appreciate any tips on how would be the best way to pull this off.

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