just one more question about the python challenge

John Salerno johnjsal at NOSPAMgmail.com
Wed Apr 12 11:23:16 EDT 2006

Sorry to post here about this again, but the hint forums are dead, and 
the hints that are already there are absolutely no help (mostly it's 
just people saying they are stuck, then responding to themselves saying 
the figured it out! not to mention that most of the hints require 
getting past a certain point in the puzzle before they make sense, and 
i'm just clueless).

Anyway, I'm on level 12 and I not only don't know what to do, but I just 
don't care at this point to work with images anymore. I'd still like to 
read a description of what to do, if one exists somewhere (can't find 
one at all, though), but at this point I'd be happy with the next URL so 
I can just move on. I've been stagnating for a few days and I need to 
use Python again! :)

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