multiline comments

Jorge Godoy godoy at
Wed Apr 19 15:11:48 EDT 2006

rx wrote:

> I don't understand the problem - why should comments (and I hope you
> believe there should be a one line comment at least) be restricted to one
> line. It doesn't work that way for if, while, for.

It is the minimum case that can solve a problem commenting one line -- or
part of it as in "print '3' # print the number 3" -- or commenting multiple
lines.  It is also easier to deal with since you don't have to end your
comment all the time.

For "if", "while", "for", etc. you have ":" and the indentation.  You don't
have an "endif", "endwhile", "endfor" (so, why having an "end comment"?).

Jorge Godoy      <godoy at>

"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur."
- Qualquer coisa dita em latim soa profundo.
- Anything said in Latin sounds smart.

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