Help needed on COM issue

Mike Howard mhoward736 at
Tue Apr 11 20:11:44 EDT 2006

I'm doing some conversion of vb code to python code and I have a
problem with a COM object

Specifically in VB I can do
Set oR = oA.Action
debug.print oR.Item(1,2)
 [returns say "1"]
debug.print oR
 [returns "4"]

In Python I need to do ..

print oR.Item(1,2)[0]
 [returns say "1"]
 [saves the record with the new item]

But when I ty to update the value


I get a TypeError : object doesn't support item assignment.

I presume this is because Python is returning oR as a tupe - hence the
need to refer to Item(1,2)[0] - but I can't figure out the equivalent
method to update the value I need.

Any help appreciated.

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