Looking for resources for making the jump from Java to Python easier and more productive

Chris Lambacher chris at kateandchris.net
Sat Apr 22 16:00:07 EDT 2006


This link seems to be down at the moment.

The above articles were really helped me understand the python way of doining
things.  In particular they mention language features that may be named the
same and do similar things, but would be used for totally different reasons in
the two languages.

I hope you find them as helpful as I did.


On Sat, Apr 22, 2006 at 12:40:51AM -0700, ToddLMorgan wrote:
> I'm just starting out with python, after having a long history with
> Java. I was wondering if there were any resources or tips from anyone
> out there in Python-land that can help me make the transition as
> successfully as possible? Perhaps you've made the transition yourself
> or just have experience with folks who have made the transition.
> I'm looking for the common types of mistakes that say a Java/C# or
> even C++ developer may commonly make. More examples like those
> highlighted here http://dirtsimple.org/2004/12/python-is-not-java.html
> would be particularly useful. I've already made the static class
> method mistake, and been thoroughly confused by packages and
> imports/froms and extremely frustrated with attempting to call super
> constructors etc.  I'm getting the hang of passing around functions
> (ala the command pattern), customising the operators and extending
> inbuilt classes. All of these concepts I've done before so there
> nothing really great and wonderful about using them in another
> language. Some of the really powerful ideas of python (eg as suggested
> in the link) about creating one function containing a template function
> that can cater to all possible implementations sounds really cool and
> alien to me at the same time. That's the sort of stuff I'm
> interested in.
> At this point in time I'd say my python code is more coding Java in
> python than doing it in a pythonic way. Perhaps there some good/great
> examples of Python scripts or projects that I could look at to get
> inspired or learn pythonic implementation ideas? I just don't know of
> any. Are there python specific equivalents to the common Patterns,
> Anti-Patterns and Refactoring books that are so prevalent as
> reccomended reading in C++ and Java? If so what?
> Given the rising popularity of Python these days there has got to be a
> few of you out there who've made the transition successfully and have
> some pearls-of-wisdom to share that you'd wished you'd known about
> earlier.
> Thanks
>      Todd
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