Initializing defaults to module variables

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Apr 13 12:21:06 EDT 2006

Burton Samograd wrote:

> A reply to my own question, but I thought I would share the answer.  I
> got it to work with the following code:
> import config
> import sys
> from posix import environ
> sys.path.insert(0, environ["HOME"]+"/.program")
> reload(config)
> I have a file in my working directory that contains all the program
> variables with default values called, which is loaded at the
> start, and then the user configuration directory is inserted into the
> load path and then their is loaded, which will then
> overwrite the default values.

since you know the name of the config file you're looking for, you can
simplify (and unweirdify) your code a bit by changing your config file to
look like this:

    # File:

    # configuration defaults

    some_param = "value"
    some_other_param = 1

    # get user overrides

    import os
    except IOError:
        pass # ignore missing config file, but not syntax errors

    # end of file

with this in place, you just have to do

    import config

in any application module than needs to access the configuration data.


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