How protect proprietary Python code? (bytecode obfuscation?, what better?)

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Tue Apr 18 06:21:53 EDT 2006

"Daniel Nogradi" wrote:

>> char secret_code[] = "print 'moshe'";
>> int main()
>> {
>>     return PyRun_SimpleString(secret_code);
>> }
>> and you need to link with python24.lib or whatever the object file is
>> for your platform.
> Are you sure? On a linux platform I tried linking with
> (I assume this is the correct object file) but it segfaults in
> PyImport_GetModuleDict( ).

I still don't understand why you think that embedding the *source code* in a variable
named "secret" will do a better job than just putting the byte code in some non-obvious
packaging, but if you insist on embedding the code, reading the documentation might
    "At the very least, you have to call the function Py_Initialize()"
    (minimal PyRun_SimpleString example)


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