Training/conventions featuring non-introductory Python

Jeff bitprophet at
Thu Apr 6 23:07:24 EDT 2006

Hey all,

I'm looking around to see how best to spend the training monies
allocated me by my employer for this year, and haven't really ever done
this sort of thing before. I work primarily with Python (Django, Zope,
and assorted small apps and scripts) so what would be best is something
that is primarily or partially concerned with the language we all know
and love.

To a lesser extent, anything development or Web related would also work
(piggyback question, I guess :)). In addition, I'm looking mostly on
the West Coast of the United States since I have other reasons to
travel there this year.

Thus far I've found only one Python-specific course that is not an
introductory one, namely Wes Chun's advanced Python course in San
Francisco. As for conventions, there's O'Reilly's OSCON and (to a
lesser extent) their Lots O' Hype--excuse me, Web 2.0--conference, in
Portland and SF respectively.

Before I commit to one of those, I'd like to make sure there's nothing
else I'm missing out on.

Thanks for any tips or pointers,

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