Help...TT Python 2.4 decompiler

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Apr 11 21:03:28 EDT 2006

Robert Boyd wrote:
> Can anyone on the list shed light on this? I'm accustomed to having
> readable .py files with my .pyc files and I am unfamiliar with any
> scenario where one would need to turn the byte-compiled version back
> to the text version.

One scenario is that you've lost your source code through carelessness 
or something (most likely not using a revision control system like any 
decent programmer does these days).  My team did that once, and I've 
seen two or three other such instances in the newsgroup over the years.

Another scenario is that you are trying to reverse engineer some code, 
perhaps like that used within the QuickTax package by Intuit.

The answer for the OP is either "search for decompyle" or "there's 
nothing available for Python 2.4 but decompyle is the closest you'll 
get".  (Obviously I don't know enough about decompyle to know if it 
supports 2.4.  The last time I saw anything about it it was only up to 
2.2 or 2.3.)


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