ANN: CherryPy-2.2.0 released

remi at remi at
Tue Apr 4 11:04:21 EDT 2006

(sorry for the double-post, the title of the previous one was wrong)

Hello everyone,

After six months of hard work and 300 changesets since the last stable
release I'm happy to announce that CherryPy-2.2.0-final is out.

The biggest changes are:

- switch to a lowercase api (although the old camelCase API is still
supported for backward compatibility)

- support for multiple applications (new "cherrypy.tree" object)

- better error handling

- lots of bug fixes (especially in file-based sessions)

- better test suite.

Check out for more details.

About CherryPy:

CherryPy is a simple (no dependencies), pythonic (doesn't
get in your way) web development framework.

Here is a sample Hello, World in CherryPy:

# import cherrypy
# class HelloWorld:
#     @cherrypy.expose
#     def index(self):
#         yield "<html><body>"
#         yield "Hello world!"
#         yield "</body></html>"
# cherrypy.root = HelloWorld()
# cherrypy.server.start()

The project has been growing strongly lately: averaged 3000 visitors/day in March,
up from 2000 visitors/day in January and February;
and the cherrypy-users list just passed 700 users.

Details and downloads are available from: 


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