Best way to emulate ordered dictionary (like in PHP)?

Georg Brandl g.brandl-nospam at
Wed Apr 12 02:53:47 EDT 2006

pyGuy wrote:
> I am dealing with user profiles, which are simply a set of field-value
> pairs. I've tried to many things to list, but for one, I tried creating
> a wrapper class which inherits the dictionary and overrides the
> iterator. Unfortunately I don't understand iterators enough to get this
> working and before I waste any more time trying I figured I should
> check wether there is a better way. I have run into a similar problem
> once, and I resolved it by creating a wrapper class for the 'list'
> class which overides the get_item method, checks for string parameter,
> then accesses the appropriate item via a lookup 'list' contained within
> the class which maps the string parameter to the index number (eh, it
> just doesn't seem practical though). Now, I'e never used PHP, but
> apparently, it's dictionaries retain the order in which the items are
> entered and regurgitates them in that order when you iterate over them.
> That is exactly what I want, but can't seem to get in Python. Any help?

If you search Google for OrderedDict, you get more than enough code snippets.
There's also one in the Python Cookbook, at


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