Hooking things up in GUI application

James Stroud jstroud at ucla.edu
Mon Apr 24 22:19:23 EDT 2006

Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
> Apropos recent threads about GUI editors, coming from a Win32/WTL C++
> background, I actually like the idea of being able to (easily) create GUIs
> programmatically.
> But I still see a lot of the same tedium: hooking up events to handlers, and
> getting data into and out of dialogs. In C++, this is generally handled
> through code generation and/or macros, but IMO these are brittle and ugly.
> So my question: Is there a Pythonic way to make these tedious hookups easier?
> ---
> Regards,
> Ryan Ginstrom

I'm not sure any python gui has anything similar, but I hear cocoa users 
raving about something called KVO.


James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095


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