Recommendations for a PostgreSQL db adapter, please?

Tim Churches tchur at
Sat Apr 29 09:33:40 EDT 2006

Gerhard Häring wrote:
> Keen Anthony wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am currently using psycopg 2 as my db adapter for a mod_python & 
>>> PostgreSQL web app. It's works fine, and I haven't any complaints. I 
>>> would appreciate some input on what other pythonistas like in an 
>>> adapter. There were several different options available to me, but there 
>>> was no particular informed reason for me to choose psycopg. Am I missing 
>>> anything?
> Considering pyPgSQL, psycopg1, PyGreSQL and psycopg2 - psycopg2 is a good
> choice.

Hmmm, Gerhard, you are listed as one of two developers for pyPgSQL on
SourceForge  ( ). The fact that
you are recommending a different DB adaptor project suggests a degree of
disengagement with pyPgSQL. Is Billy G. Allie still interested in
pyPgSQL, or is it now completely unloved? If so, then perhaps some new
maintainers can be found for it - several projects rely on pyPgSQL,
including ours ( )  - for which
we currently need to provide our own pyPgSQL tarball rolled from CVS
plus some of our own minor but important patches - which were submitted
for consideration but have not (AFAIK) been checked into the pyPgSQL
CVS. The latest tarball for pyPgSQl available from the pyPgSQL
SourceForge pages is dated 2003.

No criticism is intended in any of the foregoing observations - it is
inevitable that people move on to new projects (such as pySQLite), but
it would be a shame if pyPgSQL just rotted, because it has several
things in its favour, such as some unit tests (which were conspicuously
absent from any of the alternatives when we evaluated them in 2003 -
perhaps they have been added by now). Overall we have found pyPgSQL to
be very reliable.

Tim C

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