Programming Tutorial for absolute beginners

Clodoaldo Pinto clodoaldo.pinto at
Sat Apr 8 12:02:22 EDT 2006

James wrote:
> On the calculator page you describe the difference between 3.0 / 2 and
> 3 / 2, but an absolute beginner probably wouldn't know about the
> difference between integers and floats, or even what the two terms
> meant. If you don't know much about computers then the fact that they
> are separate types would probably be surprising...
This point is not easy to aproach. The fact is that it is necessary
that the beginner knows that there is a differerence between 3 / 2 and
3.0 / 2.

I don't want him to now about types, at least not at that stage. I used
the term "integer" for the lack of a better one and I didn't mention
"float". Any suggestions?

Regards, Clodoaldo.

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