Windows paths, Java, and command-line arguments, oh my!

Neil Benn benn at
Wed Sep 21 07:28:54 EDT 2005

Neil Benn wrote:

>Steve M wrote:
>>Well, apparently I fried my brain trying to sort this out. There is a
>>typo in my example code in the post but not in my real program. (I know
>>it is a no-no when asking help on but I simplified some details
>>from the real code in order not to confuse the issues. Probably
>>backfired by this point.) Below is the post with the error fixed and
>>one sentence added (to clarify why the error in my original post really
>>was not the problem). Thanks for any advice.
>>I'm trying to invoke a Java command-line program from my Python program
>>on Windows XP. I cannot get the paths in one of the arguments to work
>>The instructions for the program describe the following for the
>>command-line arguments:
>>java -jar sforcedataloader.jar -Dsalesforce.config.dir=CONFIG_DIRECTORY
>>They also give an example:
>>java -Dsalesforce.config.dir=c:\config -jar sforcedataloader.jar
>>If I type the example above at the cmd.exe command line the thing works
>>(assuming I have the config file in c:\config). What doesn't work is
>>these two lines:
>>cmd = r'java -jar sforcedataloader.jar
>Unless you have fixed your typo in a different place, you have the same 
>problem as before.  There are two issues, you need to escape the 
>backslash and you have the java properties line in the wrong place.  
>Instead of:
>cmd = r'java -jar sforcedataloader.jar -Dsalesforce.config.dir=c:\config' 
>cmd = r'java -Dsalesforce.config.dir=c:\\config -jar sforcedataloader.jar'
Whoops you are using a raw string - you only need one backslash - the 
java thing is still the same though



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