MS Word mail merge automation

Steve M sjmaster at
Fri Sep 30 17:23:10 EDT 2005

I'm trying to do invoke the mail merge functionality of MS Word from a
Python script. The situation is that I have a template Word document,
and a record that I've generated in Python, and I want to output a new
Word .doc file with the template filled in with the record I've

(To refresh your memory, in Word a mailmerge is achieved by a) under
Tools -> Letters and Mailings, check off Show Mail Merge Toolbar; b)
open a document with template-style variables in the form of
<<FIELD_NAME>>; c) on Toolbar select Open Data Source and select
appropriate Access or Excel or CSV file (with column headers
corresponding to the FIELD_NAME's in your template variables); and then
d) on Toolbar select Merge To New Document to create a new document
with the template variables replaced with the value from the
corresponding column in the data source - here, you can make one
document per row of data source, or just one document for a given row.
Don't forget to save the new document.)

Using various online sources*, I have been able to piece together all
but (what I hope is) the final missing piece, viz., the name of the
method that corresponds to "Merge to New Document" command from within
the Word interface.

Here is the basic code, if anyone can provide the missing piece I (and
others, I suspect) would appreciate it:

import os, win32com.client
doc_template_name = os.path.abspath('template.doc')
data_source_name = os.path.abspath('record23.csv')
doc_final_name = os.path.abspath('record23.doc')

app = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application")
doc = app.Documents.Open(doc_template_name)

#attach data source to template

#merge to new document - THIS RAISES ATTRIBUTE ERROR, HOW TO FIX?
new_doc = doc.MailMerge.MergeToNewDocument()

#save out result


*I found some information here:

and here:

as well as here:

I also have the Hammond and Robinson book on Python on Win32 but it
hasn't helped me to discover the method name.

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