packaging python

J jstier at
Sun Sep 25 02:26:48 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,

I managed to package python for distribution with my app. I
made 'dist' using py2exe and everything runs fine except there
is no more output from the python interpreter. I redirect the
output like so...

static PyMethodDef ioMethods[] =
   {"output", output, METH_VARARGS, "output"},
   {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}

    sModule = PyImport_ImportModule ("__main__");
    sDictionary = PyModule_GetDict(sModule);

    PyObject* lModule = Py_InitModule("gld", ioMethods);
    char *code =  "class Sout:\n"
                  "    def write(self, s):\n"
                  "        output(s)\n"
                  "import sys\n"
                  "from code import *\n"
                  "from gld import *\n"
                  "sys.stdout = Sout()\n"
                  "sys.stderr = Sout()\n"
                  "sys.stdin  = None\n"
                  "print 12\n";

Output never gets called, but everything else works fine. If I
switch back the installed verion of python output works again. Does
anyone have a quick solution ?


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